"A Warm Welcome"

So i've recently (today) (the 9th of June 2024) been able to aquire the Offical Sonic the Hedgehog Cookbook. A full cookbook full of snacks and drinks and other food items based off what happens to be my most brain clenching Hyperfixation. While this is technically only in the drinks section you'll soon come to find this hot chocolate is actually pretty damn filling. I thought since its a simple recipie and i made this whole section of my website for a reason i'd put in this nice little cup of coco and give a little review. Thanks Silver the Hedgehog. and the composer of ff15 for the campfire theme cause thats what im listening to while writing this :3



  • 2 cups (473 mills, though i used 500.) of milk.
  • 4 ounces (about 1 1/2.) of white chocolate (though if you want to experiment you could probably use milk or dark. id reccommend cadberry.)
  • 1/4 tablespoon of cinnemon and an 1/8 of nutmeg
  • a pinch of salt (book says kosher but regular works fine.)
  • and if you wish, whipped cream or marshmellows. (i used marshmellows)
  • this should be enough for 2 servings.


    This is rather simple and quick. should only take about 10 minutes.

    Begin by pouring your milk into a saucepan and putting it under medium heat on your stove. Break your choclate into singular squares and begin placing them into the milk. Stir the Milk and Chocolate and let it melt.

    once you feel like the milk is fully melted, begin adding in the cinnemon,nutmeg and very small pinch of salt. I had my bro do this with me and she kinda just put in what she thought was about the right ammount of cinnemon and nutmeg, and that worked but you should PROBABLY do as the ingrediants list says. Good little tip though, cinnemon and nutmeg go really well together in alot of things.

    Now whisk together the cinnemon, nutmeg and salt into the milk for a good few minutes, once you start smelling that really nice cinnemon sent you know your on the right track. once thats done, dived equally between two cups and top it off with your whipped cream/marshmellows. or both.


    so what do i think of this recipie? well its easy to make and pretty cheep too so im happy. its VERY strong though. As Silver mentions in the cookbook its good for when you want something warm but dont feel like eating a full meal, which is funny cause this thing is heavy. Like i genuinly felt quite full after drinking it. Though with how simple it is you could easily experiment alot with it. Overall i give it a solid 7/10. Very delicious. But very filling.